Year Zero

Let us assume that a girl was born in \(\displaystyle 2000\). How old should she be in \(\displaystyle 2025\), according to the old calendar?
(a) \(\displaystyle 24\) years old
(b) \(\displaystyle 25\) years old
(c) \(\displaystyle 26\) years old
Assume that she completed a perfect circle.

She's 25 years old.

It seems to me that none of the options provided give a correct answer (unless "Assume that she completed a perfect circle." means on her birth date at the (exact) hour of her birth. 🤔).

In the year 2025 she will be both 24 and 25 years old; 24 before her birthday and 25 on/after it. 🤷‍♂️