Then doesn't that mean that there is only a finite number of rows, when there is suppose to be an infinite number of rows for all natural numbers?
Not at all. Write down a list of natural numbers increasing by 1 each time. Can you get to the end? No. Is one of them \(\displaystyle \aleph_0\)? No, because that is not a natural number. The way you are thinking your first row has 1 digit, the second has 2 digits, etc. Your algorithm never gets to an infinite number of digits because your algorithm never ends.
In Cantor's list, no algorithm is specified. We just assume that an infinite list of numbers each with an infinite number of digits exists. You can deny the assumption if you wish. In that case, Cantor's argument is irrelevant, but you also cannot talk about infinity at all and cannot deal with Zeno's paradox.
If the diagonal argument must leave out all nonterminating decimal numbers, then the argument seems to only be saying that a finite number of rows will never match an infinite number of columns. Is that all there is to this?
I did not say (and did not mean to imply) that it is impossible (given Cantor's assumption about the existence of transfinite numbers) for an infinite list of numbers with an infinite number of digits to include non-terminating decimals.
I said before that it greatly complicates the argument to worry about rational and irrational numbers.
The argument can proceed in two steps.
Imagine a list where (1) each row in the list contains an infinite string of symbols of two or more types (plus and minus signs will do), (2) each string in the list is unique (no double counting), (3) no string consists solely of one symbol, and (4) there is a unique row associated with each natural number. There are an infinite number of rows and an infinite number of columns. We have said nothing about what the symbols mean.
All that the diagonal argument itself proves is that this infinite list cannot contain all the possible infinite strings that can be constructed (assuming you can do such a thing).
Now the argument proceeds to numbers. Every real number greater than 0 and less than 1 can be written as an infinite string of digits. If you can put a list of such strings in 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers, the list will not contain all possible such strings (from part 1 of the proof). Therefore there are more real numbers between 0 and 1 than there are natural numbers.
The proof says nothing about what numbers are in the list and what numbers are not in the list.
In a completely separate proof, Cantor showed that the rational numbers (including 1/3) can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers. So all the irrational numbers cannot be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers. However, it is possible to construct a list consisting solely of irrational numbers that can be put into 1-to-1 correspondence with the natural numbers, e.g. \(\displaystyle \pi^n\). We can list all of the rational numbers or some of the irrational numbers, but not all rationals and all irrationals.
It is best (if you really want to understand Cantor) to accept for purposes of argument the existence of the transfinite and forget about imagining any process for generating such a list. The argument becomes very simple when you forget all about generating such a list and worrying about how to represent numbers.