Text-Based Rebus Puzzles (My Own)

Start out new?
Not sure about Start, but here's a bonus hint:

I need to adjust the size and typeface on 'NEW', to make the outlines thinner and the see-through parts bigger.

Points out (as in compass points North, East, West)
Point out (because South is missing)
I've edited the #3 image. Hopefully, the new font will help some light shine on the matter. ?

These previous statements were hints; I've underlined some phrases below for emphasis:

new font will help some light shine

see-through [letters spelling 'NEW']

Think of those letters as if they were made of glass. (It's not easy to find a "glass" font that renders well at that point size.)

The letters 'S' could be set in any colors (other than black, white or shades of gray), without changing the answer.

The answer's second word begins with "store".

I will post answers by Friday, if needed.


My best guess...Probably not right. I couldn't find a better answer.
Variety Store?
My best guess...Probably not right.
Variety Store?
Hi. Did you see this hint: The answer's second word begins with "store"? Also, the second word is plural. For the first word, the arrow points to what's significant.


nuclear fallout

colorful storefronts

I might have pulled a bit of a Denis, on #6. ?
