Prove or Disprove.

What is the problem here. c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ ckvk = 0 implies that c1=...=cn=0 since v1,...,vn is linear independent set. Now if b=0 as well we have a problem. What is that problem?
Then it means that {v1...vk, u} is also linearly independent even though we assumed it to be linearly dependent.
Yes, you need to show that b is not 0.

Now either b=0 or b is not 0. If you could show that there is a contradiction if b=0, then you must conclude that b =/=0
What is the problem here. c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ ckvk = 0 implies that c1=...=cn=0 since v1,...,vn is linear independent set. Now if b=0 as well we have a problem. What is that problem?
If c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ ckvk = 0 implies that c1=...=ck=0 since v1,...,vk is a linear independent set, if b=0 as well, doesn't it imply that {v1...vk, u} is a linearly independent set as well since all scalars c1=...=ck=b=0, and this contradicts the assumption that {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set?
You really have to start thinking more about what is going on.
Why must b=0?
What does that imply?
Or perhaps it is related to the fact that since we supposed {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set, if b=0, then u cannot be written as a linear combination of v1...vk?
Or is this wrong as well, because not all vectors can necessarily be written as linear combination of the other vectors in a linearly dependent set?

So basically the fact that if b=0, then u cannot be written as a linear combination of the other vectors v1..vk does not contradicts the presumption that v1...vk, u is a linearly dependent set?
Suppose that [imath]\gamma_0 {\bf u}+\gamma_1 V_1++\gamma_2 V_2+\cdots+\gamma_k V_k=\bf 0[/imath]
What would it imply if [imath]\gamma_0\ne 0~\&~(\exists j\ge 1)[\gamma_j\ne 0]~?[/imath]
It would imply that the set {v1...vk, u} is linearly dependent, since at least two coefficients in the linear combination are nonzero.
If b=0, then c1, c,2,..., ck MUST BE ALL ZERO. Then the set v1,v2,...,vn, u is a L.I. set.
It would imply that the set {v1...vk, u} is linearly dependent, since at least two coefficients in the linear combination are nonzero.
Does that mean that [imath]{\bf{u}}\in\text{span}\left\{v_1,v_2\cdots v_k\right\}~?[/imath]

Here is your proof.
I will show you this proof so that you know what Linear Algebra is all about. It is about putting ideas together.

We will proceed by proving the contrapositive of the theorem.
We are given that v1...vk is a set of Linear Independent vectors
Suppose {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set.
(we need to show that u can be written as a linear combination of {v1,...,vk}

Case 1: u=0.
Then u = 0v1 + ... +0vn.
(So we wrote u as a linear combination of {v1,...,vn})

Case 2: u is not the zero vector.
Since v1...vk is a set of Linear Independent vectors we know that the only linear combination that sums to the zero vector is the trivial one.
(**)Since {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set we know that there exists c1, ..., ck, b where c1,...,ck, b are not all 0, such that
c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu = 0.

Claim b =/= 0. Suppose b=0.
Then c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu =c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk= 0. But c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk= 0 implies c1=...=ck =0 since {v1,...,vk} is given to be linear independent. So ALL the scalars c1=....=ck=b=0. But by ** this is not true. So b=/=0

We know (from above) that c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu = 0 with b=/0. Now you can write u as a Linear Combination of v1,

Combining both cases we see that we can write u as a linear combination of {v1,...vk}.

Is this clear?
Here is your proof.
I will show you this proof so that you know what Linear Algebra is all about. It is about putting ideas together.

We will proceed by proving the contrapositive of the theorem.
We are given that v1...vk is a set of Linear Independent vectors
Suppose {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set.
(we need to show that u can be written as a linear combination of {v1,...,vk}

Case 1: u=0.
Then u = 0v1 + ... +0vn.
(So we wrote u as a linear combination of {v1,...,vn})

Case 2: u is not the zero vector.
Since v1...vk is a set of Linear Independent vectors we know that the only linear combination that sums to the zero vector is the trivial one.
(**)Since {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set we know that there exists c1, ..., ck, b where c1,...,ck, b are not all 0, such that
c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu = 0.

Claim b =/= 0. Suppose b=0.
Then c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu =c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk= 0. But c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk= 0 implies c1=...=ck =0 since {v1,...,vk} is given to be linear independent. So ALL the scalars c1=....=ck=b=0. But by ** this is not true. So b=/=0

We know (from above) that c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ cmvk + bu = 0 with b=/0. Now you can write u as a Linear Combination of v1,

Combining both cases we see that we can write u as a linear combination of {v1,...vk}.

Is this clear?

But why is the explanation I provided for why b cannot be equal to zero flawed, then?
Perhaps I needed to be slighty clearer, but it appears to me that the overall idea I had was true.

I wrote: "Then it means that {v1...vk, u} is also linearly independent even though we assumed it to be linearly dependent."

Similarly, I wrote in a different comment that:
"If c1v1 + c2v2 +...+ ckvk = 0 implies that c1=...=ck=0, since v1,...,vk is a linearly independent set, if b=0 as well, doesn't it imply that {v1...vk, u} is a linearly independent set as well since all scalars c1=...=ck=b=0, and this contradicts the assumption that {v1...vk, u} is a linearly dependent set?" (Therefore b must not be equal to zero so that not all scalars are equal to zero).

Why is my overall idea flawed?
Just because c1v1 + c2v2 + ... + ckvk + bu =0 you can not conclude that {v1, v2, ..., vk, u} is a Linear Independent set. I hope that is not what you are saying.
Given k+1 vectors, can you think of a linear combination of these vectors thad yield 0.