problem solving

I went through the entire process of solving what I posted above (0.05)(97-d-(4d-3)) + (0.10)d + (0.25)(4d-3) + 1((4d-3)+8)=101.40
I solved for d and got 30 dimes that then gave me 117 quarters when plugging in 30 to q = 4(30)- 3
I then got 125 dollar bills after plugging in 117 quarters to b = 8 + (117).
That can not be correct as there was only 101.40 in value for the pot.
Not sure what to do please help solve.
divide every term in the money equation by 0.05 ...

n + 2d + 5q + 20b = 2028

subtract the equation n + d + q = 97 from the above equation ...

d + 4q + 20b = 1931

see what you can do from here with the remaining two equations
I solved with help from wolfram alpha link posted earlier and got 19 dimes, giving me 81 dollar bills in the end did A check and got 101.40 matching pot total thanks for the help.