Posting Guidelines (Summary)

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Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
Welcome to our tutoring boards! :) This page summarizes main points from our posting guidelines.

As our name implies, we provide math help (primarily to students with homework). We do not generally post immediate answers or step-by-step solutions. We don't do your homework. We prefer to help you do it, by having a conversation similar to tutoring! Please begin the conversation by telling us about your situation. The more detail you provide, the better our responses will be.

NOTE 1: If you understand Order of Operations, then be sure to type grouping symbols in your math expressions where needed, to prevent confusion. For example:
typing x+80/x-10 means \(\displaystyle x + \dfrac{80}{x} - 10\)
but typing (x+80)/(x-10) means \(\displaystyle \dfrac{x + 80}{x - 10}\)

NOTE 2: The first few posts from each new member will not appear on the boards until after they've been approved by a moderator.

Here's what you need to do, to get good help more quickly:

1. Why are you interested in the math you're posting about?

It really helps to know why you're working with math or what math class you're taking or the topic you're studying. There are many ways to find the same answers. We'd like to discuss a method that you're learning and to explain at your level of study. Unless you say otherwise, we will treat you like a student working on a school assignment who is stuck at one of the steps.

2. Post the exercise or your question completely and accurately. Start a new thread for each exercise.

The easiest way to post exercises is to copy them word-for-word (including the instructions). Insert an image, if needed. PLEASE use the Preview button to check your post before submitting it. Students waste their time when they submit posts containing typographical math errors, unreadable images or broken formatting.

3. Show work that you've already done (even if you think it's wrong), or try to explain why you're stuck.

Simply posting an exercise statement without showing work or asking specific questions is not enough for us to help you quickly. As tutors, we need clues about parts you already understand versus what you find confusing, so that we can determine where to begin helping you. The sooner you show efforts or share what you've been thinking, the sooner we can get to the heart of the matter. If you cannot begin an exercise, then please tell us why (eg: unknown concept, confusing example, unfamiliar symbol, missing definition, unclear language).

4. We may respond by asking you questions (if we think something is missing or not clear).

Please respond to our questions; this saves you time. If you're not sure how to answer, then say so. When people skip our questions, we might think they're not paying attention, don't care or need face-to-face tutoring, instead.

💡 If there's anything in a reply that you don't understand, let us know what it is, and we'll try that part again.

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