Hi guys, could you please bear me? maybe this thread I deeply believe it's useless, but it's really struggling me and Im not joke or something like that ? if so then I wouldn't take my time to post this thread.
I have really confusion and problem while solving questions, the problem is like this, lets assume I have electrical graph (x,y), which x axis is the power, and y axis is the time!
lets assume that the graph is linear like y=a*x+c which a>x then the graph is going up, lets assume I have took one of the points of this graph, the middle point of the line is equal to (x0,y0), what's now confusing me, How could I say that "point" is equal to (x0,y0) which means that this point has value, but I already known from math that "point" doesn't have value, size,width,it's nullity not having anything, so how we say to something like point which doesn't have any size or width it's equal to value? if it's equal to value then we contrast the definition of point which it says that point hasn't value, size , not having anything.
Well, what I want is to learn!!!!, how could I imagine point or actually analog it when I say that point equal to something? what's confusing me how we say to something that doesn't have value like point , it's equal to value .. so we are in contrast logic! , So please guys could someone explain to me how should I imagine a point or actually when I say that point equal to "something" how should I imagine it? it's really struggling me whenever I say while solving that "point" equal to (x0,y0) on the graph .. but in the other side, how point could be equal to something if it's doesn't have value?! here's my problem !!! could anyone please help me to understand or to learn how should I look at point conceptually ? thanks alot.