pigs in a pan


New member
Sep 13, 2010
There are 27 pigs and 4 pens.
An odd number of pigs in each of 4 pens for a total of 27 pigs.
Nat also claims that if Gio took apart his largest pen he will still have the same number of penned pigs.

We need to see the entire exercise.

Please read the post titled, "Read Before Posting."

Cheers 8-)

\(\displaystyle Let \ 2a-1 \ = \ odd \ number \ of \ pigs, \ 2b-1,2c-1, \ and \ 2d-1, \ ditto. a,b,c,d \ positive \ integers.\)

\(\displaystyle Then \ (2a-1)+(2b-1)+(2c-1)+(2d-1) \ = \ 27\)

\(\displaystyle \implies \ 2a+2b+2c+2d \ = \ 31 \ \implies \ 2(a+b+c+d) \ = \ 31\)

\(\displaystyle Let \ x \ =a+b+c+d, \ all \ integers, \ then \ 2x \ = \ 31, \ but \ 2x \ is \ an \ even \ integer, \ hence \ impossible,\)

\(\displaystyle ergo \ trick \ problem, \ as \ there \ is \ no \ way \ you \ can \ divide \ 27 \ pigs \ into \ 4 \ pens \ and \ have \ an \ odd\)

\(\displaystyle number \ of \ pigs \ in \ each \ pen.\)
Sure you can, BigG: 3 pens are inside a large pen (trick-like question).
Denis, is this what you meant? I assume that each pen was separate. Note: If you dismantle the larger pen

then you will have the correct answer, but this is a poor joke. I'm going to bed, I had it.
