Not quite sure how to go about drawing a graph given the domain and range

It was representing the square root of five, which was supposed to be omitted from my domain, so I removed it in the above graph.
The dot is still there, along with a gap in x values. You should omit _only_ the square root of five.
It was representing the square root of five, which was supposed to be omitted from my domain, so I removed it in the above graph.
It looks like the entire interval (1.7,sqrt(5)] is omitted. Make sure only the one value is missing.
You're not supposed to say it out loud …
Sometimes, mickey, I can't stop myself, heh. I'd like you to know that I was blaming your school for any lack of instruction or practice, when I wrote that.

Sometimes, mickey, I can't stop myself, heh. I'd like you to know that I was blaming your school for any lack of instruction or practice, when I wrote that.

Hah its no problem. I am isolated a long with everyone else, and there is little to no instruction available. I also often get frustrated with math and sound the alarm before I've given it enough hard thought. This problem is a pretty good example... in hindsight, I've done many problems like this, but this one was worded/arranged differently. It was probably meant to catch me off guard and to test my understanding of the concept.
As I was just walking through the grocery store I realized [my goof] …
Nice graph. Nice also that your brain let you know at a reasonable hour, mickey. Mine often waits until 3:30 am, to awaken me and let me know.

I only woke up in the am once which was related to math/physics. I was studying physics at the time and never understood how the units of acceleration was ft/sec^2. I woke up early one morning and said ft per sec per sec, smiled and went back to sleep. Looking back I can't believe that troubled me. At the time I thought for a second (and I mean a second) that I was Ramanujan.
I only woke up in the am once which was related to math/physics. I was studying physics at the time and never understood how the units of acceleration was ft/sec^2. I woke up early one morning and said ft per sec per sec, smiled and went back to sleep. Looking back I can't believe that troubled me. At the time I thought for a second (and I mean a second) that I was Ramanujan.
I kept getting woken by hypnic jerks until I finally realized the meaning of the 3rd time derivative.
I had a dream (nightmare) during which I had to use algebra to escape from a cave I was stuck in. Whatever correlation existed between the math I was frantically sorting out in my head, and my eventual freedom, somehow made sense in the dream (dreams are often that way). But I woke up really annoyed that math had penetrated my subconscious that much. I study as much history, and my brain has yet to grant me the privilege of being a Mongol...