Hi guys ! I don't know if it's a problem or not but yeah I'm still on doubt with that.
if I've an equation (called it equation $ ) which it's just implicitly understand in unit "Meters" , so if a question given with data type of cm, for example 100cm, and in that question I forced to assign and use the equation $ , so do I need to convert 100cm to meters in order to use the equation?
if so, then why? I really need to understand how logic words, and if there's more analogy senseable to illustrate why I need to be adjusted logically to what's given in my problem, would be really appreciated.
once again I know two things : I've to assign 100cm to the equation, I know that my equation just dealing with meters and not cm .
here's my struggle , why I need to convert 100cm to meters?! if I convert 100cm to meters, what's ringing in my head we changed the value of 100cm which means we changed the given data and that's not allowed !
I'm not claiming that I'm right ! I just want to learn the right and why it's right to improve my learning !
thanks for your help!