The goal is not to find liberal minds. You have the wrong attitude calling anyone a "tyrant" who is helping to clear
up the boards.
Banning people who you do not like is an act of arbitrariness. Yes, if that is the only visible reason, then I use this word. Maybe you should reconsider your attitude. Cleansing is a two-sided sword and a term I do not like, primarily for historical reasons.
What is "sad" is that you are an apologist/excuse-maker for troublemakers on the forums.
It is sad that you are apparently not capable of reasoning without using insults. Offending me is your only argument. So who is the troublemaker here? Define troublemaker, please! You are obviously fighting a private war against certain users like me. Again, please reconsider your verbiage. Maybe you can find a way, or ask someone who can, to phrase your positions without ad hominem offenses. I would very much appreciate not being insulted by you whenever I take a stand you do not like. As long as you can't, I will call such a behavior unacceptable, to avoid another adjective that I really have in mind.
"ignore" feature does not get rid of users who do not belong after they should have been banned, temporarily or
And you are the one who decides who belongs here and who does not? Interesting point of view! I haven't been informed about this crucial fact when I signed up. Someone should definitely rewrite the publically available terms.
As much as I would like to continue at this ad hominem level, let's have a look at the facts. What makes you think that
@logistic_guy does not belong here? As far as I can see, there are mainly two arguments. However, I had to guess a bit since you preferred to offend me rather than argue by testable arguments.
1. He posts questions without showing any effort to answer them.
Well, he changed that behavior and recently tried to fill this gap.
2. He posts too many questions.
Is there an upper bound I haven't been informed about? Is curiosity against the rules?
As far as I can see, he does not offend anybody, does not use vulgar language, slang, or internet acronyms, is unpolitical, unreligious, doesn't post questionable theories or advertisements. What are those ominous rules that he presumably breaches? What else do you complain about? Except for your war against members like me who aren't fluent in English. And here is this adjective again I do not dare to speak out loud but definitely associate with your attitude. And I know from the history of my country that it would be appropriate to use.