Hey Subhotosh Khan, the question posed was as follows: "use the integral test to determine convergence of this series (sum of n=1 to infinity): 1/((n^2) - 4n + 5)."
\(\displaystyle Now, \ not \ having \ any \ recourse \ to \ go \ to \ "partial \ fractions", \ you \ resorted \ to \ some \\)
\(\displaystyle mumbo-jumbo \ claptrap \ (imaginary \ numbers) \ instead \ of \ admitting \ your \ error, \ so \ take \ a \ hike \\)
\(\displaystyle as \ you \ are \ nothing \ but \ a \ pedant.\)
\(\displaystyle Note: \ A \ little \ knowledge \ is \ dangerous; \ drink \ deep \ or \ taste \ not \ of \ the \ Pierian \ well.\)
\(\displaystyle Obviously, \ you \ must \ be \ very \ thirsty.\)