i just registered .. age 75
my problem is that i don't have a problem .. please read on
to take a break from writing software i am trying to write a general audience math book .. my approach is to state a simple real world word problem and then show the type of math you need to solve the problem.
for derivatives i used the problem .. I bought a 40 foot roll of garden fence. I want to build a small rectangular garden that has the largest area possible. What will be the dimensions of the garden
*** i can not find a (simple real world word problem) that needs integral calculus to solve the problem .. everything on the internet starts by giving the equation for the problem .. such as .. A faucet is turned on and water flows out at a rate of f(t)
i am not writing a math text book .. i do not expect the reader to know how to differentiate or integrate .. once i show the reader how to set up the problem i show them how to find a website that will solve the problem.
thanks for your time
my problem is that i don't have a problem .. please read on
to take a break from writing software i am trying to write a general audience math book .. my approach is to state a simple real world word problem and then show the type of math you need to solve the problem.
for derivatives i used the problem .. I bought a 40 foot roll of garden fence. I want to build a small rectangular garden that has the largest area possible. What will be the dimensions of the garden
*** i can not find a (simple real world word problem) that needs integral calculus to solve the problem .. everything on the internet starts by giving the equation for the problem .. such as .. A faucet is turned on and water flows out at a rate of f(t)
i am not writing a math text book .. i do not expect the reader to know how to differentiate or integrate .. once i show the reader how to set up the problem i show them how to find a website that will solve the problem.
thanks for your time