

Senior Member
Apr 17, 2024
\(\displaystyle \bold{1.}\) सेब

\(\displaystyle \bold{A}\) Apple
\(\displaystyle \bold{B}\) Book
\(\displaystyle \bold{C}\) Man
\(\displaystyle \bold{D}\) Woman

\(\displaystyle \bold{2.}\) एक सेब

boy, apple, an, book, This, is

\(\displaystyle \bold{3.}\) किताब

\(\displaystyle \bold{A}\) Woman
\(\displaystyle \bold{B}\) Apple
\(\displaystyle \bold{C}\) Man
\(\displaystyle \bold{D}\) Book

\(\displaystyle \bold{4.}\) एक किताब

and, an, boy, A, book, That

\(\displaystyle \bold{5.}\) वह किताब

I, boy, and, That, apple, book

\(\displaystyle \bold{6.}\) वह सेब

apple, am, That, and, is, girl

\(\displaystyle \bold{7.}\) आदमी

\(\displaystyle \bold{A}\) Apple
\(\displaystyle \bold{B}\) Man
\(\displaystyle \bold{C}\) Woman
\(\displaystyle \bold{D}\) Book

\(\displaystyle \bold{8.}\) औरत

\(\displaystyle \bold{A}\) Apple
\(\displaystyle \bold{B}\) Book
\(\displaystyle \bold{C}\) Woman
\(\displaystyle \bold{D}\) Man

\(\displaystyle \bold{9.}\) वह पीटर है

That, book, woman, boy, Peter, Neha, is

\(\displaystyle \bold{10.}\) सेब और किताब

woman, is, and, book, boy, I, Apple
Long live Google Translator

- where is the connection with Mathematics - in this problem?​
It's time for this site to expand and add a new category to problems that are not directly related to mathematics, or even not related to the subject at all.

By the way, these Hindi words (or sentences) were not translated by google translator or any other translator. They're taken directly from an open course that teaches the Hindi language and it's allowed to share the course anywhere you like.

Learning this beautiful Hindi language along with \(\displaystyle 10\) other languages is just the beginning. Soon, \(\displaystyle 20\) more languages will be added to the category.

After that, we will add all the languages of the world.

Some people will call this behavior chaos. Others will call it an art.

Absolutely, it's so beautiful.