I am not against your method of analyzing. It can be helpful in many circumstances. It is just not going to help either the OP nor I. Why? Because the OP needs the steps to find the solution and I can give him these steps. My method of solving is complicated somehow (unfortunately it was beyond the OP knowledge) and you have never used it (I think). So, even if your analyzing method was good enough to realize that my solution was wrong, it would not be able to tell me where I went wrong.
Go ahead please. (But don't say I am stupid if I did not understand you again.)
Thank you a lot professor blamocur for verifying that my answer was wrong because I did the contour integration perfectly (I think I did that). And I would be so happy if someone can tell me where I went wrong, or at least give us the final solution of that nasty convolution integral.
Who will be the super hero?

Yes, you did that, but you wrote many posts before post #18.I've mentioned more than once that I don't know the answer. E.g., from my post #18: "if only because I don't know the answer myself."
Fully agreed.Verifying solutions is often much easier than finding them - look up NP problems in computer science, for example.
All parts. Because I am stupid!I did my best, but please let me know which part you did not find convincing and why -- we can then discuss it in more detail.
Go ahead please. (But don't say I am stupid if I did not understand you again.)
I have understood it as that "Don't Post" wrong answers! (It was only the first attempt of warming up!) So, let it be wrong!Sorry, but it looks to me like you have.
Thank you a lot professor blamocur for verifying that my answer was wrong because I did the contour integration perfectly (I think I did that). And I would be so happy if someone can tell me where I went wrong, or at least give us the final solution of that nasty convolution integral.
Who will be the super hero?

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