Yes that is was I meant - they just assume this angle.The "fact [that] is given" is just how they are defining ϕ\phiϕ, so it doesn't have to be proved.
Yes, I should have said it would be perpendicular to position vector and tangent to the curve that position vector traces. A position vector is just a point so I think we can't speak on a tangency with a single point.I wouldn't say "a derivative of rrr will be tangent to a position vector"; you mean tangent to the curve traced by the position vector, right?
Good point, thanks for spotting it.And technically, your ϕ\phiϕ is on the wrong side of the tangent, since you say it should be the angle with the positive x axis:
I really don't know why I made them uppercase.. but yes I need to get [imath]\dot x \text{ and } \dot y[/imath]Do you mean x˙\dot x x˙ and y˙\dot yy˙, or are you using upper case with a different meaning?
Yes this is exactly what I wanted. The question also is if we can get the length of these velocity vectors, namely [imath]\dot x \text{ and } \dot y[/imath] geometrically?then x˙\dot x x˙ and y˙\dot yy˙ are the speeds with which P and Q move, as indicated by arrows. And they are the components of the vector velocity of point R.
PS: Pity math symbols don't work when quoting... I would need to fix them manually each time I quote somebody response with math expression which is error prone. Would be good to fix that.