d/dx (2e3x+3x)/d/dx(4e3x+5x) = (6e3x+3)/(12e3x+5), again both the numerator and denominator head towards infinity so we repeat
d/dx (6e3x+3)/d/dx(12e3x+5) = 8e3x/(36e3x),now there is something to work with. Both numerator and denominator go to infinity but they cancel out as well.
18e3x/(36e3x)= 1/2 which is your desired limit.
As a check you can notice that the exponential term grows much faster than the linear term. So as x goes to infinity the exponential terms dominate in both numerator and denominator. Ignoring the linear terms we get f(x) ~ 2e3x/(4e3x)= 1/2