I am not being disrespectful to anyone. Mack himself has pointed out that he is in 9thgrade, which means he is about 14, an age that is certainly not adult. Presumably, he has not yet studied geometry, I am currently in pre-AP Geometry Math team, ranked 2nd state wide in division 2 geometry math team, and completely understand what a formal proof is, even though I am 14
where students are introduced to formal proofs. He has not studied calculus, where students are introduced to a little bit of standard analysis. He presumably has not studied abstract algebra, where students are introduced to a formal presentation of the real number system. Given where these threads have wandered, it would be surprising if he were not confused. He certainly seems to be confused because he claims not to understand the relatively simple reasoning that leads within standard analysis to 0.999... = 1.000... If he is not confused and is simply “messing with me,” then he has succeeded.
I am saying that ...66667 is meaningless within the standard definitions of infinity and infinitely repeating decimals because there is no last digit in terms of those definitions. I have no idea what an infinitely repeating decimal would be under an alternative definition of infinity. For all I know, it may follow from such a definition that ...66667 is well defined and exactly equals 1/3. But under the definitions that are generally accepted ...66667 is an approximation to 2/3.
I certainly did not intend to misquote anyone, nor do I think I have. You asked someone to comment on ...66667 = 1/3:
I disagree with that statement (at least in terms of the standard conventions of mathematics.) Nor do I think it helps Mack understand the logic that leads to 1.000... = 0.999... Actually if it was agreed upon that 0.6...6667 is equal to 2/3, then it also allow for there to be a difference of 0.0...0001 between 0.999... and 1. But since this is not agreed upon by everybody you are absolutely right it does not help me in any way. Also it's not that I don't understand the logic behind the statement that 0.999...=1, I understand and agree with this logic, but I have a wonderful thing called an open mind, and I also understand the counter-arguments possible to this claim.