I was able to read all the posts on that website and I haven't joined up to Quora. You just press the "Continue Reading ˅" button at the end of the displayed part of a post to see the rest of it. (When you click the link I provided, don't touch your mouse/keyboard for a few seconds to allow it to jump to the correct post in the thread.)
Once the first video is finished playing a second one (on the same topic by the same (loony) presenter) starts up automatically and is probably followed by several others if you don't stop them playing!
Not at all. Tony Miller's post (have another look or see below) makes it clear that the distances being calculated in your video are the ones he points out are completely the wrong thing to 'measure
Yes that's because that 'horizon calculator' is measuring the same wrong thing as most 'Flat Earthers' do. (And then claim it as 'proof' of their fantasies!)
There are many factors to be taken into account (as Miller points out), not least the refraction of light in addition to the correct lines of sight. Below is an extract of the most relevant part of the Quora Post (though the remainder of it goes into much more detail); note, in particular, that the calculations carried out (using Pythagoras' Theorem) in your video are actually measuring to the height "D" as being what should be visible due to the earth's curvature, whereas, geometrically, height "B" is what should be visible (before taking any other relevant factors into account).
I suggest you have another go at reading the full article by Miller (along with some of the other posts in that thread as well); maybe draw your brother-in-law's attention to them too?
(NB: I've added the red colouring above and in the extract below for ease of comparison.)
Extract from Tony Miller's post in Quora...
"Well… Let’s see… We KNOW the rule is 8″ x miles squared, Right?8*59²/12 = 2320.7 ft or 707.3 mSo this MUST be correct, right? It’s math, can’t be wrong!Well…IF you put your eye/camera lens at sea-level, so it is half-way under the dirt/water, exactly at 0 elevation, and you ignored refraction then yes — that is what you would expect.Now ask yourself, are those EVER the ACTUAL viewing conditions?No - no they are not.Since none of those assumptions are correct let’s try that again using the correct mathematics for the real-life question.In short, you are trying to measure (D) in the image below when it is clearly (B) that you should be asking about. But for some reason, Flat Earth people can never seem to grasp this difference. (B) applies whenever the observer has ANY height AT ALL — even 1 cm. And unless you’ve stuck your camera half-way under the water you aren’t at 0 elevation (you have to measure to center of the lens)."
Compare the horizontal (red) lines in the picture above (running from the foot of the green man to the top of the white arrow marked "D". Those are the distances being calculated in your video using Pythagoras' Theorem (at: 0:57, 3:32, 4:03, 4:53, etc.). The calculations (despite plugging in numbers that (conveniently) comply with Pythagoras' Theorem) are simply nonsensical.
It's a bit like Disraeli's comment that there are "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics". These Flat Earth idiots are just manipulating arbitrary numbers in entirely specious attempts to substantiate their crazy theories.
It's simple common sense that the Earth is ellipsoidal. The video presenter relies heavily on data provided by Google Earth; does he not recognize that said data has been collected by satellites orbiting around this spheroidal (globe) we are on?
Thank you Highlander for such a detailed post. I will reply in detail when I've had the chance to go through it thoroughly!