Cryptic Stop?

… Don't think I ever knew [Mark has usernames mmm4444bot and Otis] …

I kinda remember "Otis" entered a few clues at this competition:
You, Subhotosh and I discussed my reasons for having two usernames a few years ago. (I can't find those posts, now, to refresh your shortening memory; it could be they were in one of your many threads that somehow got vaporized a few months ago.)

As for the andlit site, I've never seen it before today. That must have been some other Otis you saw. :cool:
...looks like it's time for anutter appointment with my shrink....

Hilite of my last appointment:
me: thank you so much doctor, you've convinced me I'm not a mouse....
doc: good; have a nice day...
I leave, then rush back to his office:
"doctor, doctor, I now know I'm not a mouse,
but there's a big cat in the hallway: does it know I'm not a mouse? :p