Whether we do (a*1b)*3(c*2d) or (a*2b)*3(c*1d), we will get the same result even for a non-associative operation, because we have the two operands for the last operation ready for it to operate on.
i got it that for divison (a non associative operation) if my expression is like this (3 operands)--> (a/b)/c or a/(b/c) my results will be different but for 4 operands -->(a*
2d) or (a*
1d), we will get the same result .
My point about independence seems to be one you are missing.
What independence?
My interpretation is That a expression of SAME ASSOCIATIVE operator is independent of any no of parentheses as result will be same anyway we evaluate order of OPERATIONS
. Or u are talking in terms of NON ASSOCIATIVE ... see one thing i noticed in division if we have 4 operands keeping them like this (3/2)/(4/6) will give me 9/4 but keeping the same expression like this (3/2/4
)/6--> first it will evaluate 3/2 in parenthis then result of 3/2 by 4 then the result of execution part in parenthis by 6 giving 1/16 final answer . In the parenthisis part , although i havent given another pair of parenthses still it should automatically happen that division will occur from 3/4 then /6 as DIVISON is LEFT ASSOCIATIVE if notation is not mentioned explicitly (MENTIONED IN WIKI). (
3/2/4 ) this is the just parentheses part & LEFT associativity will happen even if i dont give brackets between any two operands .
Why do you say it means a*((b*c)*d)?
In post #19 for u inherently means
"literally means", I am talking about following a left-to-right rule, which technically is part of the order of operations we use for traditional addition and multiplication
And yes u were right
I have to guess that you mean something different by "inherently means".
FOR ME "inherently" meant I was not thinking from left to right perspective but I was saying from "rearranging parenthesis / associative property point of view "
keeping in mind that i have to keep "b*c" inside 1 parenthesis. Thats why I gave these 2 arrangments
((b*c) *d
) or
)*d in
post # 15
And why do you bring in a*(b*c*d), which is not fully parenthesized
I was thinking of rearranging parenthsis which will not change the result . a*(b*c*d) or (a*b*c)*d (
* is ANY ASSOCIAITVE OPERATOR)not violating any rules of associative operation.
these are not "forms of applying associativity without changing the order of factors". Associativity doesn't come into this until you say that all those forms have the same value.
a*(b*c*d) or (a*b*c)*d (
* is ANY ASSOCIAITVE OPERATOR) these 2 forms 's value will result to same answer like the mentioned 5 forms in wiki as * is a associative operator after all.
What do they say about their list? "A product of four elements may be written, without changing the order of the factors, in five possible ways". What they mean is that these are the ways you can place parentheses, just enough to determine the order of evaluation sufficiently to determine the value in the case of a non-associative operation. Your additional forms a*(b*c*d) & (a*b*c)*d do not do so.
In the Generalized associative law part , they have clearly said a product of 4 elements which is a binary associative operator . WHy are u saying from the perspective of a non associative operation?
Then the 5 forms would not exist only as each form under non associative operation will give diffrent result in each case.
How and why did u came up with "
to determine the value in the case of a non-associative operation"
If we followed a left-associative rule ("conventionally evaluated from left to right", as Wikipedia says), then a*b*c*d would be evaluated the same as ((a*b)*c)*d, that is, a*1b*2c*3d.
YEs a*b*c*d would be
evaluated the same as ((a*b)*c)*d and it would not be evaluated as (a*(b*c))*d .
(a*(b*c))*d as u have told this is not following left assocaitive , but if i take this Expression
a*b*(c*d) if it is operated under left-right rule should n't it be operated like this this
(a*(b*c))*d but Hold on in the expression a*b*(c*d) it is given C*D under brackets which is telling the order of operation to start from C*D first and then after executing it , follow left to right which is -->(a*
where in this case a*b*c*d there is no brackets from the beginning so this will translate to ((a*b)*c)*d under left associaitive.