Sir jonah\(\displaystyle 2.0\), life is beautiful.
"Don't look at the examples' answer until you've tried your own attempt." I don't remember if this quote was said by one of my professors or something I have read in a book. So, it doesn't matter whether it was an example or a question, as long as I haven't solved it before.
Why is this very basic question (example) posted here when I can already see the answer? There are many reasons. Let me state some.
\(\displaystyle \bold{1.}\) As I stated before, I like to share what I solve with others. It is very boring to solve problems alone on paper where only the ghosts can see your answer. Solving online also raises my Latex skills, and you have already witnessed that by your own eyes.
\(\displaystyle \bold{2.}\) By combining Examples, Questions, and Problems together as one thing makes it easier to hit the target \(\displaystyle 41,000\) in time.
\(\displaystyle \bold{3.}\) As I stated before, my problems will vary from the kindergarten's level to the professor's level. So, don't be surprised (or shocked) if one day you see this question \(\displaystyle 9.099 + 1.01 = \ ?\) as I have never solved it before.
\(\displaystyle \bold{4.}\) Although, this was not one of the reasons at the beginning of my journey, I am making it a reason now. It is a very beautiful feeling when a member, especially an Elite get annoyed by my rainy problems. It has a better effect than \(\displaystyle 1000\) doses of methamphetamine. If you have already watched the series "Breaking Bad", you would understand what I'm talking about.
I think that you like to mention
@harpazo a lot. If you think I am that racist person, you are so wrong Sir jonah\(\displaystyle 2.0\). Although, I did not hate the questions and problems he posted, he had mental problems. His biased or extremist ideas are very bad, especially about Religion and Politics.
It seems that
@mario99 did a pretty good job in his engineering course. He suddenly disappeared and I got lost. I hope that he's Okay.
We are in this forum to learn new things, so let's learn
and let others learn from what we have learnt. It's a beautiful life, isn't it?