The Highlander
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- Feb 18, 2022
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Dear @JeffM,Dude
Get a life. I was not even beginning to mock you. How often have you seen lookagain REPORT someone? Nor did Steven G comment on my post. Anyway, I do not need to count. I have never claimed to be a mathematician. I am just someone who remembers being a student.
But I promise you that I shall not respond to any other posts of yours. I cannot cope with someone so adolescently sensitive.
Dude? Really? Oh, please!
I have a life, thank you and am grateful that it allows me some ‘spare’ time to offer whatever help I think may be appropriate to people who post their problems in this forum.
I don’t, however, relish the time I have to waste responding to other (established) members who feel the need to respond to my posts for any reason other than to applaud them or point out mathematical inconsistencies they may contain, especially when such comments unnecessarily vilify what I have submitted!
I did not regard your post as being particularly offensive. In fact, I didn’t think you had (actually) ‘reported’ it. Rather, it seemed to me that your post was simply an attempt at humour but then why would you suggest that I wasn’t ‘sorry’ enough for a simple mistake that I had already pointed out & corrected myself, especially when said mistake was one that anyone with half a brain would recognize it for what it was and know what had actually been intended? Or were you instead just making fun of my use of a Latin phrase with your own extended version of it? Either way, although your post might well raise a smile (even from me too!), I ‘included’ you in the “three” I asked to “Give it a rest” because your post was immediately followed by one of @Otis' frequent nitpicks at my submissions and @steven G’s equally captious ‘Liking’ of his (completely wrong) contention:-
Rubbish! The word “as” does not need to be replaced by “is” (in my original post, q.v.) and I certainly don’t need any correction of my English from an American!
I am surprised by your statement that you are not "a mathematician" since I have so often seen you display a high degree of competence in the subject at advanced levels. I believe you once stated that you had pursued a career in banking but I presumed that you had entered the financial services sector having previously obtained a degree level qualification in Maths. If not, then your ‘recollection’ of the Maths you studied, for some other qualification(s), is highly commendable. ?
I too am not a ‘mathematician’, possessing no specific qualifications in the subject other than having taught it for thirty years! Rather, I consider myself an ‘educator’ and, having only taught Maths (& Science) up to High School level, I rarely venture to post anything in this forum that addresses any topic beyond that level. I know that the Elite (inter alia) members of the forum have much greater knowledge and understanding of the subject than I do (or even aspire to possess) but I have frequently seen occasions where that very (advanced) understanding of the subject has (IMHO) actually hindered their attempts to help some individuals and, if I suspect that’s the case, then I will, if I think I can, offer my own response to an inquiry that may well involve a different approach. ?
Right from the moment I joined this forum there were some who took exception to my posts. Some simply didn’t like my formatting but I think I’m entitled to use whatever formatting is ‘available’ in the forum and I don’t think it’s appropriate for others to criticize my preferences in that respect (chacun à son goût springs to mind; I do hope that won’t prompt any further ‘improvements’ on my French!) but when @Otis abused his powers (as the “bot”) and edited my contributions to suit his own personal preferences, the ensuing spat clearly resulted in a significant number of (Elite) members taking his side and I found myself patently unwelcome (in that particular 'community') thenceforth.
I can understand the established members of the forum feeling the need to band together in support of their ‘leader(s)’ in dealing with some new, upstart, 'junior' member but there’s no good reason for persistently harassing me by trying to find fault(s) (that often don’t even exist, as above) in almost everything I post. I have already said, as in the words of the Irish Rovers: “if you don’t like me, then leave me alone”; that’s all I ask! ?

I’m sorry if you thought you were unjustly included in the cabal that conspires to undermine my presence in the forum but I think I can be forgiven for being annoyed (not upset or ‘hurt’; your accusation of “adolescent sensitivity” is way off the mark!) by any (Elites’) reactions or comments to my posts that go beyond correcting or improving upon their Mathematical content. (Interesting to note that @pka decided to “join in”, registering their approval of your remonstration with me by ‘Liking’ your post; how did s/he suddenly get a dog in this fight? Birds of a feather, huh?)
However, I note your commitment to resist any further responses my posts and thank you for that as it means I will have to spend less time defending myself from at least one Elite. (I trust you will keep your word and refrain from responding to this post too although, no doubt, at least one of the ‘others’ will wish to comment or edit or remove it! ?)
I hope these are my final words on the subject and look forward to having anything I post in future attracting no (negative) comments or reactions other than where my Mathematical shortcomings may warrant such. ?
(Power to the (little) People!
Kindest Regards.
B. ?
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