Hi there, hope you are having a nice day.
I am studying a course in signal analysis. For what ever reason the engineering program not to give us the relevant math courses before this. So naturally some of the math i find a bit tricky.
I was watching a videolecture today and a varible change was done.
The varible change inside of the sums is trivial. But I can't figure out what how the limits of the second sum to the right changed like that. Maybe it is trival too and I've just stared at it too long.
If anyone can shed some light on this for me I would be grateful!
I am studying a course in signal analysis. For what ever reason the engineering program not to give us the relevant math courses before this. So naturally some of the math i find a bit tricky.
I was watching a videolecture today and a varible change was done.
The varible change inside of the sums is trivial. But I can't figure out what how the limits of the second sum to the right changed like that. Maybe it is trival too and I've just stared at it too long.
If anyone can shed some light on this for me I would be grateful!