Many students wonder when they will ever use math after graduation. It's understandably difficult to picture yourself ever using inverse trig functions after high school, but that's not the point. You may never differentiate a function in your job, but by learning the process you have trained your brain to problem solve while also reinforcing the basics of math.

Even a toddler is taught the very basics of counting, 1-2-3 up to 10. Whenever this toddler plays with his friends he can already tell them to trade three marbles for a piece of candy, or play with stuff involving simple counting. Through basic situations like this, math is assimilated within the innocent mind of a child.

When an individual is enrolled at school, his has different experiences with math. Have the teachers able to inject in their teaching the relevance of the subject to the real life? Or were the students forced to like the subject, memorize and recite the formulas, and read thick text books about Calculus, and other higher languages of numbers? The relevance of math in the real world is not fully introduced by most teachers.

Everyday, we use math. Some students ordering lunch at the local fast food chain use math to count change or plan a budget. Its use is very valuable in everyday transactions that do not only involve money, but exchange of goods or any other simple business deal. Corporate executives or regular citizens who are buying a car use math to discuss mileage or cost. College students who are tasked to cook or bake follow a recipe. The simple decorating of a home requires math principles as well to measure carpet or wallpaper. For thousands of years these same math principles have been practiced by all mankind around the globe. In order to get things done, especially in a modern society, you simply have to use mathematical concepts.

Math is a universal language. Anywhere you go, you can interact with people of all walks of life and they can understand you when you speak Math. The language of numbers or math can help anyone perform daily tasks and craft essential decisions. Your proficiency in math, or even just a bit of knowledge of the basic operations can help you shop wisely and remain within a budget. The math concepts can help you understand population growth or vote counts and opinion polls. If you bet on a horse, the mathematical concepts of probability can help you to place the best bet. Or, it may even convince you that over time you can't win.

Math is critical in widely different professions. Whether one is rich or poor, educated or uneducated, if one is taught the basic operations, he or she can become a millionaire through excellent disposition in life and wise financial transactions. Hence, similar to being literate in reading and writing, counting also prevails in life. 

Even more important, though, than all of these real life applications of math are the less obvious benefits of a strong math background. Many jobs and hobbies will require a quick mind that is logical and able to creatively solve problems. Each of those skills can be perfected by studying math. It may not seem like you will use the things you learn, but they will improve your mind and your ability to be flexible with what you want to do in life.

(Adapted from an outside source)

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