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  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread propositions - 2.
    \bold{(f)} You get a speeding ticket, but you do not drive over 65 miles per hour. q \land \overline{p}
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread complex integral.
    This Laurent series tells us that the residue at z = 0 is: \frac{1}{6} We are almost there💪😍
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread microprocessor - New.
    \bold{5.} What components are usually put together with the microcontroller onto a single chip? \text{CPU} \text{RAM} \text{ROM}...
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread heat equation - New.
    It's time to find the coefficient D_n. We will apply the initial condition. u(x,0) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}D_n\sin \frac{n\pi}{L} x...
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread classical methods.
    Let us apply the first initial conditions. x(0) = 2 = c_1 - \frac{1}{5} This gives: c_1 = 2 + \frac{1}{5} = \frac{10}{5} +...
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread the journey of IAS.
    The \text{address bus} carries memory locations.
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread recursive method in Java.
    When the user enters a number larger than 1, I want that number eventually to get smaller and smaller until it reaches the base case. To...
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread simple calculator in C.
    Our C program will have three parts. \bold{1.} \ \text{Header} It will include the preprocessor directives and the prototype...
  • logistic_guy
    logistic_guy replied to the thread polymorphism in C++.
    Except the \text{Test} class, it will only have one file \rightarrow a source file where the main function lives there. Every C++...
  • F
    fresh_42 replied to the thread Difficult limit of a sequence.
    Yes, correct. Now you have reduced the problem in post #1 and #8 to the question \dfrac{\sqrt{n!}}{3^n}\cdot...
  • G
    gcc00 replied to the thread Difficult limit of a sequence.
    @Dr.Peterson I was taught that sequences and series are equivalent, in the sense that for every serie you can make up a sequence and...
    • 1742743301022.png
  • B
    BeansNRice replied to the thread Difficult limit of a sequence.
    Stirling's approximation for the factorial quickly shows this expression diverges. Give it a try! n! \approx \sqrt{2\pi n}\left(\dfrac...
  • Dr.Peterson
    I'm familiar with the ratio test and root test for a series, but this is a sequence. Just to make sure, you aren't talking about the sum...
  • jonah2.0
    Beer induced reaction follows. Sh(it) sometimes happen. Considering that my good friend...
  • F
    fresh_42 replied to the thread Difficult limit of a sequence.
    This looks divergent. Try to find a lower bound that increases with n. You only need to consider \dfrac{\sqrt{n!}}{3^n}.