Yesterday Was Tau Day; How Did I Miss That?


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005

The news report HERE focuses on a movement to de-emphasize the number Pi in favor of 2Pi.

Well, that's so much better than the idea that The United States Congress came up with a while ago (which was to pass federal legislation that simply changes the value of Pi to the Integer 3, in order to make homework easier for students).

mmm4444bot said:

The news report HERE focuses on a movement to de-emphasize the number Pi in favor of 2Pi.

Well, that's so much better than the idea that The United States Congress came up with a while ago (which was to pass federal legislation that simply changes the value of Pi to the Integer 3, in order to make homework easier for students).

I think the story about Congress is an urban legend. I have heard the same story about various state legislatures.
JeffM said:
mmm4444bot said:

The news report HERE focuses on a movement to de-emphasize the number Pi in favor of 2Pi.

Well, that's so much better than the idea that The United States Congress came up with a while ago (which was to pass federal legislation that simply changes the value of Pi to the Integer 3, in order to make homework easier for students).

I think the story about Congress is an urban legend. I have heard the same story about various state legislatures.

You don't say......

Yes, it's a joke. Yet, thinking in terms of the hardest-working congress of all (our Congress), the notion is quite plausible. That is why it's so funny.

Reminds me of a Gallaghar joke:

If the opposite of Pro is Con - then what is the opposite of "progress"?