km_rr88 said:
what is the domain, range, horizontal asymtop,behavior, whats h & k, and the X & Y intercepts and some reference points for this exponential function?
The domain is all allowable x-values. To find the domain, the usual procedure is to find the "problems" (division by zero, non-positive arguments of logs, etc), and then give the domain as being all non-problem x-values.
The range is all resulting y-values. This is commonly found (at this stage of math) from the graph, though what you have learned about exponentials will allow you to be a bit more specific.
The horizontal asymptote will be what you've learned about basic exponential behavior, and will be part of what helps you find the range. So finding the range will answer this part as well.
I don't know what you mean by "behavior", but this is probably very clearly defined in your book. Also, since there are no "h" and "k" listed in the function, I'm not sure what you mean by these, either.
To find x-intercept(s), plug zero in for "y" and solve. To find y-intercept(s), plug zero in for "x" and solve.
I don't know what your book means by "reference" points. Please provide the definition you're supposed to use.
If you get stuck, please reply showing (or describing) what you have done and where you are having trouble. Thank you.