writing an equation


New member
Feb 2, 2013
seriously could use some help with writing an equation for this problem. A barrell contains 146 gallons of gasoline and is being drained at a constant rate of 6 gallons per minute. Write an equation that models the number of gallons after t minutes I came up with the model y=f(x) but not sure if this is correct and what the inputs and out puts are?
seriously could use some help with writing an equation for this problem. A barrell contains 146 gallons of gasoline and is being drained at a constant rate of 6 gallons per minute. Write an equation that models the number of gallons
Number of gallons of what? Gasoline, yes, but gasoline drained or gasoline still in the tank? That's necessary information and should be given in the problem. I am going to assune "number of gallons still in the tank after t minutes".

after t minutes I came up with the model y=f(x) but not sure if this is correct and what the inputs and out puts are?
I'm afraid you have completely misunderstood the problem. To say the model is "y= f(x)" is to say nothing. Any equation can be written that way. "Models the number of gallons after t minutes" means that you want to find the number of gallons of gasoline drained (and so is the "output") if you know the number of minutes (the "input"). And you are asked to find the equation for this specific problem, not just a general form like "y= f(x)".

Write "g" for the number of gallons in the tank, t for the number of minutes.

When t= 0, you have not drained any gasoline yet so g= 146.
When t= 1, you have drained 6 gallons so g= 146- 6.
When t= 2, you have drained 6 gallons twice so g= 146- 6- 6= 146- 2(6).
When t= 3, you have drained 6 gallons three times so g= 146- 6- 6- 6= 146- 3(6)
When t= 4, you have drained 6 gallons four times so g= 146- 6- 6- 6- 6= 146- 4(6)

Do you see the point? You should be able to use that to write the amount for any t.
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