Write an equation of the plane with normal vector n = <-6,2,3> passing through point (-8, -4, -7) in scalar form
The solution is entered, online, in a text box, followed by "= 76"
This is what I have done:
\(\displaystyle n\cdot<x,y,z> = n\cdot<x_0, y_0, z_0>\)
\(\displaystyle <-6,2,3><x,y,z> = <-6,2,3><-8,-4,-7>\)
\(\displaystyle -6x+2y+3z -19 = 0\)
\(\displaystyle -6x+2y+3z -19 + 76 = 76\)
\(\displaystyle -6x+2y+3z +57 = 76\)
I tried my answer of \(\displaystyle -6x+2y+3z +57\) but the computer says it's wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.