Word Problems


New member
Sep 4, 2011
I have a word problem and I need help.
The problem is:
A bus hold 50 passengers. How many buses are needed to carry 270 students on a field trip?
I need to know how you get the answer.
I tried it by using P=passengers bus will hold 50 people
T= Total amount of passengers =270

x=270/50 x=5.4 How can that be right? What is a .4 bus? Do I round up to 6?

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What is a .4 bus?

In this exercise, it is a piece of scrap metal with two wheels sitting in a junkyard.

I'm encouraged that you stopped to consider what the result 5.4 actually means. You seem to have realized that 5.4 is not a Whole number.

In this exercise, common sense tells us that the question "how many buses" means "how many whole buses" because the given information restricts us to consider only buses that hold 50 passengers each. In other words, we may not consider buses of different sizes; all of the buses must be identical.