word problem

You first need to understand how we calculate the percent of a number, to get the percentage.

Percent × Number = Percentage

Have you seen this relation before?

Here is an example that uses 198 instead of 6 (it's a marathon).


What is 75% of 264?

0.75 × 264 = 198

Now, I reword the example.

75% of what number is 198?

We use the same relationship involving a Percent, a Number, and a Percentage.

0.75 × Number = 198

It's always easy to figure out what particular number we need in multiplication, to arrive at a specific product. We use division, yes?

198/0.75 = 264

In algebra, we would set up an equation:

Let x = the Number

0.75x = 198

We solve for x by dividing both sides by 0.75

0.75x/0.75 = 198/0.75

x = 264

You may solve your exercise, using the same relationship between Number, Percent, and Percentage or solving a similar equation, as in my examples, using the information given in your exercise.

I don't know what your class is doing or why you're stuck. You didn't say much. Do you still have questions? :cool:
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[Antonio] can't beat himself(!)

Okay -- that's a good point.

In other words, Denis interprets the given statement this way:

In a race, Antonio beats 75%, or 6, of the other runners in the race.

The given info may be interpreted in yet another way, wherein Antonio is not even a race participant.

Let's see what Cordova comes up with. :cool:
I think there's more to this; like: can't beat himself(!)
No, but he could NOT beat himself. Obviously there are two groups of people here- those Antonio beat and those he did not beat. Assuming that Antonio is in the race, he must be in the group of people he did not beat. So, Denis, if you meant that after doing the calculations given so far, we should add one runner for Antonio himself, I disagree.
I don't know what your class is doing or why you're stuck.

You (meaning the OP ) didn't say > > > much. < < <

Actually, the OP said said (stated) nothing (beyond the problem

Certain users went into prompting questions and explanations without any attempt
by the OP. (And the usual "show your work to let us know where you're
stuck" type of phrase wasn't posted.

Do you still have questions? :cool:
