word problem


New member
Jan 6, 2010
It takes Bob 40 minutes to arrive at John's house. John lives 1.25 miles away from Bob. What is Bob's pace?

What is the fraction formula?
Bobs pace must be in terms of distance per time or distance / time!
distance = 1.5 miles
time = 40 minutes

pace = 1.5 miles / [40 minutes] answer
but a better unit of time would be hours, and we should replace 40 minutes with 40/60 of an hour, or 4/6 or 2/3 of an hour]
pace = 1.5 miles /[2/3] to divide by a fraction invert and multiply
pace= 1.5[3] /2
pace= 4.5/2 miles per hour
pace = 2.25 mph

samkpark2000 said:
It takes Bob 40 minutes to arrive at John's house. John lives 1.25 miles away from Bob. What is Bob's pace?

What is the fraction formula?

Sorry if I was wrong here . Pace means velocity right ?

d = vt

v = d/t SI units : 40 minutes = 40*60 = 2400 seconds & 1.25 miles = 1.25*1 609.344 = 2010.43 meters

v = 2400/2010.43

v = 1.19 m/s
d = s/t

where d is distance , s- speed , t - time

here d = 1.25 miles

t = 40 mins

s = d*t = 1.25 * 40/60 = 5/6 miles /hr