Word problem


New member
Oct 27, 2009
I'm not entirely sure this is the correct category for this question, but I am absolutely stumped on how to work this problem out. I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me.

The problem:

A river delta accumulates sediment from a river at a rate of 10 cubic meters per day. If the area of the river delta is 5 square kilometers (1 square kilometer=1,000,000 square meters), and the sediment is evenly distributed across the delta area, how fast does the delta grow vertically each year? Show your work.

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide. :)
If it accumulates 10 m^3 per day, then in one year(assuming 365 days in one year) it gathers up 3650 m^3.

But the delta is 5,000,000 m^2. We need a height dimension in the delta and this must equal 3650 m^3

\(\displaystyle 5,000,000x \;\ m^{3}=3650 \;\ m^{3}\)

Where x is how deep the silt is and what be solved for.