word problem 4th grade

Your sample shows "clock arithmetic". So, I'm thinking that the question has to do with clock arithmetic, too.

If a clock shows that it is 4 o'clock when you start work, and you work for 9 hours, then the following tells us what the time on the clock will be when you finish working 9 hours later.

4 + 9 = 1

In other words, nine hours after 4 o'clock, it is 1 o'clock.

The formal mathematical name for clock arithmetic is "modular" arithmetic.

12-hour clocks are examples of modular 12 (because they start over every 12 hours). We say "mod 12", for short.

CLICK HERE to see more about clock arithmetic (requires JAVA).

CLICK HERE for more examples, including mod 4 (a 4-hour clock example).

CLICK HERE for a deeper discussion.

Cheers ~ Mark
clock prob

It is 7:35. What time will it in 40 minuets?