Word Play 18


Elite Member
Jan 28, 2005

. . . . . . . . . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}More\;Palindromes \\ \\ \\ \text{Nurses run} \\ \\ \text{Too hot to hoot} \\ \\ \text{Party booby trap} \\ \\ \text{We panic in a pew.} \\ \\ \text{No garden, one dragon} \\ \\ \text{Draw putrid dirt upward.} \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}\text{No, it is o{p}en one position.} \\ \\ \text{Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god.}\\ \\ \text{Now saw ye no mosses or foam or aroma of roses.} \\ \text{So money was won.} \end{array}\)

. . . . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}\text{Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.} \\ \\ \text{Evita, gentle, felt negative.} \\ \\ \text{Denim axes examined.} \\ \\ \text{S{e}x at my gym taxes.} \\ \\ \text{Panda had nap.} \\ \\ \text{Rise to vote, sir!} \\ \\ \text{Gold log} \end{array}\)

Corrected my silly typos!
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.

"Able was I, ere I saw Elbe" (Napoleon's famous words after being exiled to the island of Elbe)
galactus said:
"Able was I, ere I saw \(\displaystyle > >\)Elbe" \(\displaystyle < <\)(Napoleon's famous words after being exiled to the island of \(\displaystyle > >\)Elbe \(\displaystyle < <\))

Correcting the spelling, it is shown to be:

\(\displaystyle \text{"Able was I, ere I saw Elba."}\)
Yes, a careless typo. :oops:

I am in the corner. Let me know when I can get out of the corner. :D
Denis said:
Ask Subhotosh; he's already there!

Last Saturday at 6 PM - I suddenly found myself out-of-the corner ......
Subhotosh Khan said:
Last Saturday at 6 PM - I suddenly found myself out-of-the corner ......
HA! I was one of the ones chosen to go directly upstairs...
You were sent to the "**** on earth" section for next 6 months, right?
SUFFER! I'm having fun looking at PlayAngels centerfolds :)
Well, you'll at least get to meet TKHunny and Jeff :idea: