Thank you.

How I fiqured this problem out is:
t +1600= 550 + 75t
<<< That is not correct - how did you get that? From tank 2 - we are getting water out - so it must be going down with increase of time. You have to subtract "75t" from the original volume of 1600
so your equations would become:
after t hours - how much water in the 2000 L tank = 550 + t*75
after t hours - how much water in the 1600 L tank = 1600 - t*75
Now equate and solve.
Denis gave you another way to solve it - both method will give you the same answer.
-t -t
1600= 550 + 75t
I subtract 550 from both sides and 1600 becomes 1050. Then I divide by 75t and get 14 minutes. Is that how you do it? Algerbra is so confusing sometimes. :?