What would unit vector, perp.to (w,x), be in that format?


New member
Oct 13, 2007
Im not sure if this falls in this section but I'm having a bit of a brain fart...

What would a unit vector perpendicular to (w,x) be in that format?
Any answers would be nice! Thankyou!
Re: Unit Vector

Knight93 said:
What would a unit vector perpendicular to (w,x) be in that format?
Any nonzero vector \(\displaystyle \left\langle {a,b} \right\rangle\) such that \(\displaystyle \left\| {\left\langle {a,b} \right\rangle } \right\| = 1\quad \& \quad aw + bx = 0\)

But to be perpedicular to (w,x) (aka: iw + jx), wouldnt it have to be something like (= -ix + jw) where i and j represent unit vectors?
Re: Hmm

Knight93 said:
But to be perpedicular to (w,x) (aka: iw + jx), wouldnt it have to be something like (= -ix + jw) where i and j represent unit vectors?


pka gave you the general solution (through definitions) - you need to get to your solution from his 'definitions'.

Remember that you are looking for a unit vector.