What % of influence does each variable have on the outcome?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
[h=2]What % of influence does each variable have on the outcome?[/h]
Assume that %∆ Total = [(1+%∆ A) x (1=%∆ B) x (1+%∆ C)]-1

%∆ A = 10%
%∆ B = 15%
%∆ C = 5%

%∆ Total = 32.825%

What I want to know is of that %∆ Total of 32.825%, how much influence did each variable have on the Total outcome?

It seems like the sum total influences of the three variables would equal 100%.

Thanks in advance.
Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it. There are quadratic and even cubic terms that often are considered small enough simply to ignore.

Just 2 influences: (1+a)(1+b) - 1 = a + b + ab

If 'a' & 'b' are very small, then a*b is tiny.

With three, it's even more complicated:

(1+a)(1+b)(1+c) - 1 = a + b + ab + ac + bc + abc

Are ab, ac, and bc small enough? Unless they are relative huge, abc is almost certain to be tiny.