What number am I (Riddle)


New member
Dec 18, 2020
I am a three-digit number.
My sum of my digits is six.
One of my digits is 3.
My ones digit is half my tens digit.

What number am I?

I need a little help here for a child who is homeschooling I am to mentally exhausted to solve this one. Lol!
I am a three-digit number.
My sum of my digits is six.
One of my digits is 3.
My ones digit is half my tens digit.

What number am I?

I need a little help here for a child who is homeschooling I am to mentally exhausted to solve this one. Lol!
Does 321 fit the bill?
Usually works better if we talk directly. I'll give one for free. :)

Ever play MasterMined? Use your clues and follow the trail.

3-digit number: ABC
Sum of Digits is 6: A+B+C=6
One digit is 3 -- This is a hard one. It doesn't say ONLY one. Let's keep an open mind.
1s digit is half of 10s digit.

Okay, that's a lot of information. But, is it ENOUGH?

Because C = 1/2 A
C can be 0,1, 2, 3, 4 and nothing else. C cannot be 5 or greater, since 2 * 5 = 10 and it's not a "digit". Likewise 2*6 = 12, not a digit. Etc.
A can be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and nothing else.

Wait, it's not a 3-digit number if A = 0, so:
A is 2, 4, 6, or 8
C is 1, 2, 3, or 4

A can't be 8, or A +B + C > 6.
If A = 6, then B = C = 0, and that means there is no 3, so A can't be 6.

A is 2 or 4
C is 1 or 2
That leaves B = 3
That leaves A = 2 and C = 1

231 is the number.

Really, nothing tricky, fancy, or advanced, here. Just keeping track of the clues and their implications.
Usually works better if we talk directly. I'll give one for free. :)

Ever play MasterMined? Use your clues and follow the trail.

3-digit number: ABC
Sum of Digits is 6: A+B+C=6
One digit is 3 -- This is a hard one. It doesn't say ONLY one. Let's keep an open mind.
1s digit is half of 10s digit.

Okay, that's a lot of information. But, is it ENOUGH?

Because C = 1/2 A
C can be 0,1, 2, 3, 4 and nothing else. C cannot be 5 or greater, since 2 * 5 = 10 and it's not a "digit". Likewise 2*6 = 12, not a digit. Etc.
A can be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and nothing else.

Wait, it's not a 3-digit number if A = 0, so:
A is 2, 4, 6, or 8
C is 1, 2, 3, or 4

A can't be 8, or A +B + C > 6.
If A = 6, then B = C = 0, and that means there is no 3, so A can't be 6.

A is 2 or 4
C is 1 or 2
That leaves B = 3
That leaves A = 2 and C = 1

231 is the number.

Really, nothing tricky, fancy, or advanced, here. Just keeping track of the clues and their implications.
I just needed to switch the number around I had 213 ...thank you so very much for your help!!♥♥♥
Usually works better if we talk directly. I'll give one for free. :)

Ever play MasterMined? Use your clues and follow the trail.

3-digit number: ABC
Sum of Digits is 6: A+B+C=6
One digit is 3 -- This is a hard one. It doesn't say ONLY one. Let's keep an open mind.
1s digit is half of 10s digit.

Okay, that's a lot of information. But, is it ENOUGH?

Because C = 1/2 A
C can be 0,1, 2, 3, 4 and nothing else. C cannot be 5 or greater, since 2 * 5 = 10 and it's not a "digit". Likewise 2*6 = 12, not a digit. Etc.
A can be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and nothing else.

Wait, it's not a 3-digit number if A = 0, so:
A is 2, 4, 6, or 8
C is 1, 2, 3, or 4

A can't be 8, or A +B + C > 6.
If A = 6, then B = C = 0, and that means there is no 3, so A can't be 6.

A is 2 or 4
C is 1 or 2
That leaves B = 3
That leaves A = 2 and C = 1

231 is the number. Really, nothing tricky, fancy, or advanced, here. Just keeping track of the clues and their implications.
I think the number is 321 because-

My ones digit is half my tens digit.
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If one of the digits is 3 then the other two digits are 0 and 3 OR 1 and 2. There aren't that many combinations to look at. There are:
303, 330, 123,132, 213, 231, 312 or 321.
Now just look to see which number has the ones digit half the tens digit.

Alternatively if the ones digit is half the tens digit then the last two digits must be 21, 42, 63 or 84. Taking into account that the sum of the digits must be 6 the only possible outcome is 21. Putting the 3 in front works out just fine.

I guess my 2nd solution is better than my 1st.
Usually works better if we talk directly. I'll give one for free. :)

Ever play MasterMined? Use your clues and follow the trail.

3-digit number: ABC
Sum of Digits is 6: A+B+C=6
One digit is 3 -- This is a hard one. It doesn't say ONLY one. Let's keep an open mind.
1s digit is half of 10s digit.

Okay, that's a lot of information. But, is it ENOUGH?

Because C = 1/2 A
C can be 0,1, 2, 3, 4 and nothing else. C cannot be 5 or greater, since 2 * 5 = 10 and it's not a "digit". Likewise 2*6 = 12, not a digit. Etc.
A can be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and nothing else.

Wait, it's not a 3-digit number if A = 0, so:
A is 2, 4, 6, or 8
C is 1, 2, 3, or 4

A can't be 8, or A +B + C > 6.
If A = 6, then B = C = 0, and that means there is no 3, so A can't be 6.

A is 2 or 4
C is 1 or 2
That leaves B = 3
That leaves A = 2 and C = 1

231 is the number.

Really, nothing tricky, fancy, or advanced, here. Just keeping track of the clues and their implications.
tk, I think you need some rest after reading this post. I don't even recommend corner time. Just go directly to sleep.
I need a little help here for a child who is homeschooling …
Hint: The last clue is the biggest clue. There are only four possibilities where a tens digit is twice the ones digit:

__ 2 1
__ 4 2
__ 6 3
__ 8 4

We can quickly eliminate the last three because the digits in those cases will always add up to more than 6.

The missing digit in the first case must be 3.

Another approach is to have your child write out the list of all 3-digit numbers whose digits add up to 6. Then examine the list, to find the case where the ones digit is half the tens digit. Good mental busy work.

Hint: The last clue is the biggest clue. There are only four possibilities where a tens digit is twice the ones digit:

__ 2 1
__ 4 2
__ 6 3
__ 8 4

We can quickly eliminate the last three because the digits in those cases will always add up to more than 6.

The missing digit in the first case must be 3.

Another approach is to have your child write out the list of all 3-digit numbers whose digits add up to 6. Then examine the list, to find the case where the ones digit is half the tens digit. Good mental busy work.

Otis, I like you and all that but downright plagiarism is not nice.

See post #7
tk, I think you need some rest after reading this post. I don't even recommend corner time. Just go directly to sleep.
"Because C = 1/2 B "

Who said I was awake when I wrote it?
Otis, I like you and all that …
Thanks. I like you, too. Please accept my regards, Jomo.

It's my bad for missing earlier posts. You clearly beat me to the punch, sir!

Thanks. I like you, too. Please accept my regards, Jomo.

It's my bad for missing earlier posts. You clearly beat me to the punch, sir!

No problem! You know that I like to give people a hard time from time to time (some more than others)