What is the Shaded Area?

You need to remove the sum of two circular segments from the area of the circle.
Draw the perpendicular bisector of \(\overline{AB}\) to see the two segments.
See if this diagram can help you get started:

To follow up:

I would compute the area \(A_S\) of the sector [MATH]ACD[/MATH]
Now find the area \(A_T\) of the triangle [MATH]ACO[/MATH]
Hence, the area \(A_1\) of [MATH]COD[/MATH] is

Now, to find the shaded area \(A_2\), we subtract \(A_1\) from a quarter circle of radius 1:

And then the total shaded area \(A\) asked for by the problem is 4 times \(A_2\):
