What three digit number has the greatest number of different factors? (Note: the number p^k where p is prime, has (k + 1) factors. Explain.)
I am stumped on this question. I was told that numbers with the same number at the front and at the end usually have the most. I tried this but worked out that 968 had more than 484 and 121 as they were factors of 968.
Is that the answer? Is there a formula to use? How do i explain the p^k?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am stumped on this question. I was told that numbers with the same number at the front and at the end usually have the most. I tried this but worked out that 968 had more than 484 and 121 as they were factors of 968.
Is that the answer? Is there a formula to use? How do i explain the p^k?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!