Welcome to the FreeMathHelp.com Message Boards. The old message boards have been discontinued because of the obtrusive advertising, and these seem to be much better. A few basic rules:
1) Don't post a list of homework problems. People aren't here to do your homework for you. We are here to help you along if you get stuck.
2) Be respectful of others. Don't use foul language or phrases that are inappropriate.
3) Kids - don't use the forums unless you have a parent's permission, and NEVER give out personal information on the internet!
4) Have fun, and enjoy the boards.
1) Don't post a list of homework problems. People aren't here to do your homework for you. We are here to help you along if you get stuck.
2) Be respectful of others. Don't use foul language or phrases that are inappropriate.
3) Kids - don't use the forums unless you have a parent's permission, and NEVER give out personal information on the internet!
4) Have fun, and enjoy the boards.