Volume of a Cube


New member
Jul 13, 2011
I need to find the volume of a cube and I know that the formula is v=s^3 but I can not figure out how to solve the equation.
side 1=p^3
side 2=p+7
side 3= p+4
I know my answer is p^5+11p^4+28p^3, but how in the world did I come to this solution?
This is not an equation. It is an expression that must be derived by multiplying the length x width x height of the cube.

Just multiply the side lengths together.

\(\displaystyle p^{3}(p+7)(p+4)\)
Technically, you are not dealing with a cube, but rather with a rectangular cuboid.

The formula for the volume of a rectangular cuboid is, as galactus already explained, V = L * W * D where
V = volume,
L = length,
W = width, and
D = depth.

The cube is a special form of rectangular cuboid in which L = W = D.
If we let S = L, then V = L * W * D = S * S * S = S[sup:1238baj0]3[/sup:1238baj0].
JeffM said:
Technically, you are not dealing with a cube, but rather with a rectangular cuboid.

I did not know that term - so I had to Google.

I am so glad this "simplified term" is used now - I was taught "rectangular parallelepiped". I could not ever write that without spell-check.
melissamf12 said:
I need to find the volume of a cube and I know that the formula is v=s^3.


a side of a cube is a face of a cube. For the volume of a cube,
it is the cube of a length of an edge of the cube.

Where "e" is the length of an edge, the formula for volume is

\(\displaystyle V \ = \ e^3\)

And, if the object is a rectangular cuboid, then its volume is
the product of the lengths of the edges, where the edges
correspond to the dimensions of the length, width, and
height of the cuboid.

melissamf12 said:
I need to find the volume of a cube

side 2 = p + 7

side 3 = p + 4

:idea: These two lengths cannot possibly be equal. This is why the object is not a cube.

I know my answer is p^5+11p^4+28p^3, but how in the world did I come to this solution?

This cannot possibly be your answer, if you don't even know where it came from. :roll:
