The position vector of points A,B and C are a=4i-9j-k, b=i+3j+5k and c=pi-j+3k respectively.
(A) Find the value of p such that A,B and C are collinear.
Things to know before we start:
Collinear essentially means "same line".
If you multiply a vector by "2" it becomes twice as long, or "-1" it flips directions(try it in 2D). In both cases the resulting vector ends up on the same line as the original vector(collinear).
From A to B move [3 west, 12 north, 6 up]
From A to C move [?, 8 north, 4 up]
Multiply the first row by something to get the second row and you finish the rest. Essentially its the same thing as the formula stated in a previous post but without having to remember this formula.
(B) If p=2, find the position vector of D so that ABCD is a parallelogram.
Draw a 2D parallelogram ABCD.
The move from A to B will be the same as the move from D to C.
The move from A to B will be opposite the move from C to D.
From a to b move [3 west, 12 north, 6 up]
From d to c move [3 west, 12 north, 6 up] (same as a to b)
From c to d move [3 east, 12 south, 6 down] (opposite d to c)
Starting at c (2,-1,3) we make the above move to get to d which is..._________
Again, the same result as the above mentioned formulas.