-ve angles(Clockwise angles)


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Hi all,

I'm a bit confused about negative angles & want to know if their values decrease with increasing magnitudes like negative integers?

Whether -45 degrees greater than -60 degrees or -90 degrees greater than -180 degres?.Thanks.
khurram said:
I'm a bit confused about -ve angles & want to know if their values decrease with increasing magnitides like -ve integers?

Whether -45 degrees greater than -60 degrees or -90 degrees greater than -180 degres?.
Ummm... That pretty much makes no sense at all.

Does "=ve" mean "negative"? Never use "-ve" again. Most communication in English is facilitated by the use of actual English.

Your question is not actually a question. It is not clear at all what is wanted.

You'll have to define "greater than".
I'm a bit confused about negative angles & want to know if their values decrease with increasing magnitudes like negative integers?

Whether -45 degrees greater than -60 degrees or -90 degrees greater than -180 degres?

The answer is No. A negative angle designation simply means to measure the angle in a clockwise direction instead of a counterclockwise direction. The angle magnitudes are the same, whether positive or negative.
You will notice that wjm11 answerd your question in degrees. Without the degrees, it is less clear what sort of system you are on and the answer is less clear as well. \(\displaystyle \pi\) and \(\displaystyle \;-\pi\) might just be numbers on a Real Number line. In that case, the ineqaulities would work the same as with any other Real Numbers.