Variation of Parameters

elchichita said:
If you don't like signatures, just remove them from the forum.
I'm not aware of anybody having a quarrel with signatures. And I don't run the forums, so I can't make the changes you suggest. Sorry.

Cool down, El Chita...
Do you REALLY believe that what you got there is a "signature"
the way a "signature" is intended? Get real, buddy.
elchichita said:
Sad to see that this forum is just meant for amateur people.
By "amateur", I will assume are referring to the volunteerism of the tutors here, as opposed to "professional", as in your fee-based service. But I must say, I'm sorry you think it's "sad" that students can get help here for free.

"Happyt to say it'll be my last post in here"

So am I, buddy.
elchichita said:
I just hate people who "claim" they have a "free" service and yet they give you pop-ups and their own advertising.
Just like with network television and broadcast radio, advertising is precisely what keeps services like this free -- to the end user. Pop-ups are easy enough to avoid, of course, if one uses a modern browser.

In any case, if you object to how this site is run, you might want to set up your own free service, without ads, rather than appearing to get upset with the other users here. Neither Denis (as far as I know) nor I has any say in the running of this site.

That's right, Eliz...I got absolutely no say in how this site is run.
I don't even consider myself a tutor...just a retired old guy who
loves math and helping others within my AMATEURISH limits...
always found that people who have to cite the bits of paper they have aquired (degrees etc) are overstated. Let the skills and desire show the ability not the self proclaimed statements.
elchichita said:
no comment.
...which is, in itself, a comment. From the person who said he was done with this piddly amateur site and wasn't ever going to post again.

just another nobody "amateur" :wink:
Well, so-called professionals sure don't impress me; whatever they
"know" they've learned from someone else...

I like what I read once (forgot who wrote it); goes a bit like:
to become an expert, one must disagree with another expert;
thus there are as many experts as disagreements! :)