Using the pythareon theorm


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I am lost learning this. I have a work sheet to complete that is as follows.

Find the whole number values for the length and height which would give the diagonal screen size as indicated. Ex: 19"

I don't get it and my teacher did not explain it. How do I use the theom or do I use it. I am already failing math. I need help... Please
You have a right triangle (length, width, and diagonal) and the Pythagorean Theorem.

You are given the value of "c[sup:1vcepnfr]2[/sup:1vcepnfr]", and are asked to find whole-number values for "a" and "b".

Pick a whole-number value for "a". Plug it into the Formula. Solve for "b".

If the value of "b" is a whole number, copy this down as a solution. If not, don't.

Continue until you run out of reasonable values for "a" and / or "b".

By the way, poor Pythagoras would be very hurt to find out that you don't remember his name.
The theorem is the Pythagorean Theorem, by the way.