use of grouping symbols


New member
Sep 19, 2010
OK, I am stuck!

The assignment is to "insert grouping symbols in an expression to make it equal 14".

For instance, 9+39+22/ would insert the following grouping symbols... (9+39+22)/(11+9+3) = 14

Another example... 2x2+3^2-4+3x5....would be (2x2+3)^2-(4+3)x5 = 14

So there are two more...

5 + [4 x 3(2+1)]



I am wondering if these two were expressions were supposed to be part of the assignment to do with getting it to = 14...because I cannot figure it out for the life of me! I am suspicious because there are already grouping symbols in it.

Can anyone help?

In "advanced math", we no longer use the letter x as a multiplication symbol. (Of course, the exercises that you posted are middle-school level math.)

5 + (4 * 3*(2 + 1))

((6*2*(8 - 3))/(11 + 4))*6

If you're telling us that you did not get separate instructions for these two expressions, then my best guess is that you should have.

Evaluate the given expressions.

There's no way to alter the value of the first one, by adding additional grouping symbols, so you can't get it to equal 14.

Cheers 8-)

PS: If your motivation for duplicating this thread after 45 minutes was to somehow shorten the response time, that strategy generally does not succeed, on these boards.

The duplication was an error on my part...did not realize the first one posted.

Second, I am the parent of the student, hence the "x" sign for this means I am really old.
And yes, I also made a mistake on where I posted it. So 3 errors on my part!

Looks like I am not smarter than a 5th grader.

Thanks for your help
jstferrfun said:
Thanks for your help

You're welcome, anytime.

By the way, if your child is not able to communicate with us directly, in the future, please start your threads by stating up-front that you are both a parent and really old.

You will get better "service". :wink:
OK, your killing me.

I normally would resist comment, but I cannot.

First, this is a really great thing you math help. Really great.

Second, there are no "instructions", outside of Ted's introduction

I did not realize parents needed to identify themselves upfront. I was stuck. I said it on email
Second, I made a series of "on line" mistakes. I admitted it. They included...

You assumed I posted twice to get better help. WRONG. I made a mistake.
using a X instead of a *...great catch
You assumed I was purposely deceiving because I am a parent. WRONG. I was simply trying to help out my daughter who spent over 2 hours trying to solve a problem that was poorly defined. I googled for math help and this chat room is what I got. My daughter and I did it together. Oh, that is write, you assumed once again it was just me. Hmmm...a pattern.
You scolded me for posting in the wrong intermediate platform...well, you got me on that one.

I will not revisit, which should save you great angst in the future.

But again, it is a great service you do (and, no I am not kidding). Just frustrated you have made so many assumptions about someone you do not even know.

You seem easily excited.

I made no assumptions; I asked only conditional questions.

People who offer constructive critisism should be very careful to not put words into the mouth of those they criticize.

Cheers ~ Mark

PS: I'd wager that I'm probably older than you are, and I'm sorry to see you go! :D

So my last post.

You were trying to explain how to do better next are probably doing this for free, which is really great...and I bet you are older than me.

My daughter and I appreciate the help.
jstferrfun said:
OK, I am stuck!

The assignment is to "insert grouping symbols in an expression to make it equal 14".

For instance, 9+39+22/ would insert the following grouping symbols... \(\displaystyle >>> (9+39+22)/(11+9+3) = 14 <<<\)

if you come back, I wanted you to see an accident (typo) from the above. It should be:

\(\displaystyle (9 + 39 + 22)/(11 - 9 + 3) = 14\)