use 2, 4, 6, 8 once each, +, -, /, *, (), can ans. be 17?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
One answer to go and it is killing me

Given that you can only use the numbers, 2, 4, 6, and 8 ONCE
And only the + - / * and ( )'s can be used (no exponents)

Can the answer be 17

Thanks for your help
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

What do you think?. They are all even numbers.
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

Being even numbers has little to do with it. The full task was to make answers (using the criteria given) from 1 thru 20.
I figured out 1~16, 18, 19, and 20. But I can't get the formula for 17.
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

Tuffy allright! Perhaps decimal point is allowed (I've seen it as being allowed, since not an operator);
if so: 8/.4 - 6/2 = 17
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

None of the other answers needed a decimal - so if I can't use a decimal... is there another equation to get me to 17 ?
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

68/4 = 17. Do you have to use all the given numbers?
Re: One answer to go and it is killing me

Concatenation is not allowed. Everyone just forgets to say that.

Four more if you use .8 rather than .4, but neither of those could be considered proper as 0.4 and 0.8 would be more appropriate.

There are no solutions using the Standard "24 Challenge" rules.